All works are copyrighted and must be licensed for any sort of reproduction. Works published in many books were controlled by the publisher for a period of time, by contract, but all rights have now reverted to the artist.
To simplify searching for a particular type of scene, artworks shown in this website are organized by category (day, sunset, sinking, wreckage, etc.). Within a category they are listed in the order they were created (the earliest “primitives” appear first, so please look further for more mature work).
AVAILABILITY FOR LICENSING: With rare exception, all artwork may be licensed. "Licensability" is noted to the left of all images, below the description. If an artwork is not available for licensing, that means that the copyright is owned by someone else or that the artist prefers that it not be published. In the rare cases where the artist does not own the copyright, we may be able to put you in touch with the rights holder.
TO LICENSE AN IMAGE: If you are interested in licensing a painting click on the link "CONTACT US About Painting..." located below the availability status. Please include a brief description to confirm the correct view, what your intended use will be, whether it will be reproduced in black and white or color, reproduction size, as well as your name and contact information. Your inquiry will be answered promptly.
Licensees will be asked to sign a standard agreement regarding usage, copyright, credit line, etc.
RESOLUTION: All images are supplied in digital format and via e-mail or CD as necessary. Resolution (clarity) of images varies. Some older works are scans of 35 mm slides and are less able to be greatly enlarged than more recent works. Please know, however, that even the older works are of sufficient resolution to print a double-page spread in an average magazine at 300 dpi.) Depending on your needs, a sample showing the resolution of a particular image will be provided if necessary (a small area of the full-resolution image can be sent for your evaluation).